Friday, January 22, 2010

Seers, dreaming the dreams of God....

But if I am casting out demons by the power of God,
then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you.
-Jesus (lk 11:20)

What will the human heart, a family, a church, a city, a region or a country look like if 'The Kingdom of God arrives among us"? Is not the resurrection which was supposed to be only at the end of all time; a sign that something has arrived sooner than we had thought? Is not the outpouring of the Spirit, which was a prophesied, eschatological event...a sign that a new kingdom has arrived? If these "end of days" events, have moved into the present...why do we continue to say...this or for then or there?


Darwinian thought....would say that human evolution is reduced to one simple truth...the survival of the fittest. The strong remain, survive and thrive...the weak will be consumed, destroyed, eclipsed, prevailed over, driven out, experience genocide, become extinct etc.

I believe the Kingdom of God trumps Evolutionary philosophy.

Maybe it appears "utopian" or a "dream"...but I stand in the long line of dreamers...or as the ancients called them "seers" who spoke from dreams...God's dreams. And I think those dreams are the true reality...not the other way around.

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